In the collection of texts, Hautflügelmieder, big themes are addressed in small details and symbolic images, which are brought to life in Johanna Spitzmüller's drawings. Illness and health, body and mind, life and death struggle for attention, the goal is always the truth, no matter what rhyming facades it hides in its dress of delicate words. In the in-between of prosaic poetry and lyrical prose, the I in its various faces forms the center of the stories and explores the relationships to oneself and to others.
Outside and inside are often only separated by an infinitely thin line, which connects fragments, overcomes borders and becomes emotionally concentrated, so that the common thread of Hautflügelmieder becomes recognizable in the interaction of text and image. The pen is not set down, the narration runs vertically, because poetry lives beyond any horizon.
other publications
- 20.000 Zeilen unter dem Meer. Eintauchen in die österreichische Poetry-Slam-Szene, Anthologie, Lektora Verlag 2022.
Wandel - Wie kommt das Neue ins System? Lesebuch Europäische Toleranzgespräche, hg. v. Dr. W. Seywald, Edition Denk.Raum.Fresach 2022.
Irre schön. Poetry & Mental Health, Anthologie, Satyr Verlag 2022.
Lights behind the curtain (orig.: Luces tras la Cortina), Digital-Anthologie, Peruvian Ediciones / Revista Kametsa 2022.
Textsorbet – Volume 3G: gesehen, gelesen, gestaunt, Anthologie, Dichterwettstreit Deluxe 2021.
Ö-Slam 2018: Finale, Anthologie, edition pen 2020.
Am Kamin, Lyrik-Anthologie, Frankfurter Verlagsgruppe 2014.
Frühlingsgefühle, Lyrik-Anthologie, Aurora Verlag 2014.
Die besten Gedichte 2014/2015, Frankfurter Verlagsgruppe 2014.
Ein Drache im Rotlichtviertel, Anthologie, A.Fritz Verlag 2013.
DUM, Literaturzeitschrift.
&Radieschen, Literaturzeitschrift.
Nueva York Poetry Review, Lyrik-Zeitschrift (USA).
Vanni Rivista, Lifestyle-Magazin (Italien).
Holdkatlan Szépirodalmi és Művészeti Folyóirat, Literatur- und Kunstjournal (Ungarn).
Ablucionistas, Kultur- und Kunsteinrichtung (Mexiko).
Emma Gunst, Kunstblog (Argentinien).
Rizom, Journal of literature, philosophy and social theory (orig.: časopis za književnost, filozofiju i društvenu teoriju / Serbien).
other projects
Radio Burgenland Extra
Katharina Wenty has published her texts in book form – the illustrations are by her friend Johanna Spitzmüller from Willersdorf.
Mein Tagebuch, Ich + ...
What does a woman experience when she gets to know the world and does it by hitchhiking? What should women consider? Katharina tells us her tips, but also tells us about dangerous experiences ...
Thuringia Literary Society
From min 33:30 I speak about my function as a juror at the International PoetryFilmTagen in Weimar as well as my approach to poetry film and my poetic-film career.
The ensemble Lingua:Lyra, consisting of the musicians Jule Bauer and Laura Jörres, the musicologist Johanna Kloser and the stage poet Katharina Wenty, is one of the three finalists and - spoiler alert: winning team - of the HUGO competition 2o23 for new concert formats.
All cards are available in black-and-white as well as in colour